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Spring Prep in 2025

Writer's picture: Lay JordanLay Jordan

Smiling woman with blonde hair, graphic lipstick marks, and text "Simpy Lay," "Spring Prep in 2025," and "@SIMPLYLAYXX" on textured background.
Spring Prep in 2025

Hey everyone,

We are doing something a bit different this month because I am trying to test a new posting schedule this month and I also feel like I have so much to do and need a bit more accountability so why not spend this week tracking what I am doing to see how I am managing my time and hopefully, this can inspire people for their own Spring Reset.

I am plotting this idea on Sunday, March 2nd, and let's start with a To-do list of activities.


  • Continue working on templates for "Year 2"

Content Work

  • Write Podcast Episode 47

  • Write Podcast Episode 48

  • Write Podcast Episode 49

  • Record Episode 47

  • Record Episode 48

  • Record Episode 49

  • Relisten and take notes for Episode 31

  • Relisten and take notes for Episode 32

  • Relisten and take notes for Episode 33

  • Relisten and take notes for Episode 34

  • Record "March Reset" [Publishing March 9]


  • 12,000 -15,000 steps daily [ I am focusing on low-impact daily movement this month to prepare for how I am going to switch my exercise routine for Year 2, I am focusing on getting 84,000- 105,000 steps weekly that I have been doing for my Year 1 goal]

  • Mental health activity

Physical Space

  • Shredding Papers

  • Reorganizing Closet(s)

  • Reorganizing Drawers

  • Sort Laundry

  • Wipe down furniture

Career Work

  • New Course Work [ Module 1 due Mar 7, 11:59 PM EST]

  • Prepare for the meeting on March 12th

  • Add 74 more people to my intended contacts list


  • Make decisions for participating in lent

  • Fill out the March 3rd check-in

  • Fill out the March 7th check-in

Honestly, tasks add themselves through the week, but I know I need to work on these things because I've been procrastinating on certain activities and others just have a time limit, which adds some urgency. I want an honest look at if I am doing all I need to make my dreams happen. What better way to collect data than through reporting?

Monday, March 3rd

07:10 am

So far the day started a bit different than I am used to. Since I am trying something new for March. What I did was I still had breakfast at 4:30 am but since I didn't finish until 5:17 am I decided to work on the March 3rd check-in: I finished the card pull aspect and the action part, but I still need to figure out the next 2 questions: What inner doubts are surfacing for me right now? How can I find more trust in myself and my vision and dreams? My endorphins are up I've walked on my walking pad as exercise (First at inclined so I can have the effects of walking uphill and then regularly flat). I wanted to put in a quick entry before my post-workout shower because I cannot truly start my day until I do that. So I'll be back later maybe by noon with updates.

12:05 pm

Truthfully Today is a day I really don't feel like being on Camera because I am still feeling a bit under the weather so I've been focusing on computer work tasks and tasks that require emotional energy so far this is what I've done:

  • Write Podcast Episode 47 ( Although I did most of this task last night)

  • Fill out the March 3rd check-in

  • Module 1 for my course work; Module 2 isn't due until March 12th so I won't start it until maybe Wednesday night that way I could focus on the main tasks I have written for this week but I have the template set

  • Step count so far: 6,810 [I decided not to put so much pressure on my body at the beginning of the day since I plan to do low impact for March so I can focus more on using my energy for tasks to set myself up for April to June

Since I have been staring at a screen for so long I'm going to do some movement, have a bit of lunch, wash some dishes, and then go back to doing more content-focused work or doing some more journaling to figure out some things like my plan for lent since I am not catholic and my family never participated but I kinda want to try fasting for the spiritual sense/ preparing for spring, I want to set up what that will look for me and just follow the time frame of lent.

6:45 pm

Here is a list of additional tasks:

  • Reached 12,666 steps today

  • Read for 30 minutes

  • Relistened and took notes for Episode 31

  • Relistened and took notes for Episode 32

Tuesday, March 4th

3:15 am

I am up early because I woke up at 1:50 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to plan my challenge for the spring. Once I finished that I did some reading- I don't know why I felt called to start reading Mastery by Robert Greene.

10:22 am

Okay so far I'm at 9,249 steps, I recorded episode 47 of my podcast and my throat is a bit soar. I need a break from speaking, but I am not sure what I want to do now. I feel a bit light-headed so I want to take a snack break and from there I might try to finish up my contact list research or I might start Module 2. I know it isn't on the list but If I am going to make progress in getting that Google certification I might as well start working ahead. Also, I worked on my Action Board for Year 2 because I forgot that is also part of my setup besides the scoreboard.

Saturday, March 8th

1:16 pm

The last couple of days since Wednesday have been a whirlwind. Wednesday was the day I started my spring challenge which will not end until April 17th. The challenge is related to my spiritual journey and it has been really difficult already and also extremely emotional. However, I also got in a disagreement with someone I care about so I was pretty much upset until Thursday around 11 something because that is when we said what we needed to and resolved what happened. That night was so rough because the thing is we are both people who need space to process the things we are feeling and need space to do it alone before we can address things which works well in terms of processing but if you are also extremely anxious you tend to keep thinking and wondering how long will you bot need until you could work it out ( Luckily it was a short amount of time).

Continuing on; Thursday I released a new podcast episode. I am trying a new posting schedule for the month and if I am being honest it's been difficult adjusting to switching the days I post the podcast and the days I post a vlog. Especially since my last vlog, I had no urge to be in front of a camera. Truthfully it is my least favorite form of content but I do it anyway as a form of getting out of my comfort zone. When I am in a weird headspace, in the type when I am overthinking and attempting to adjust to change, recording a video is the last thing I want to do.

7:24 pm

Today I heavily focused on cleaning and finishing Module 3. I want to retake my quiz before I move on to Module 4, but my goal is to just relax for the night and prepare for a Sunday Reset.

If I had to give this week a rating it would be a definite 7.5/10 because the beginning of the week started really strong. Wednesday night and Friday as a whole were my low points of the week. Truthfully I wanted to show that there are so many highs and lows when it comes to becoming a better version of ourselves and it is always possible to bounce back from your low points. What works for one person may not work for you but if you do some identity work and pay attention to how you function, what systems are you receptive to, little by little growth happens.

 I hope you enjoyed this post and found it interesting. Also if you like my content it would mean the world to me if you would also subscribe to my YouTube channel, my Pinterest, and my TikTok account. On YouTube, I have the most inspirational content from Lifestyle Design posts to Digital "open when..." letters to boost your moods. I also keep a copy of my podcast episodes (which is also available on Spotify). I decided that I am honoring what feels right to me and continuously working on building the life of my dreams and helping others do the same. Don’t forget to share this if you feel inspired and I will have more content for you soon.

Until next time butterflies 🦋


Lay 💋


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